Preventing Overconsumption

Preventing Overconsumption: Slowing Down Service

If you determine that a customer has had too much to drink. You can use a variety of techniques to slow down their alcohol consumption for a while.  This may also be easier than cutting them off completely.  


Slowdown techniques include the following:

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Serve Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Serve water or another non-alcoholic beverage instead of alcohol for one of the rounds to slow drinking down.

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Encourage Food Orders: Suggest they order food, if that’s an option, instead of another round of drinks.

B5 Return Blue

Return to the Table Less Often: Slow down service to that group of customers for a while by not visiting their table or portion of the bar as often. If you’re not taking their orders, it will slow down their drinking.

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Suggest Other Activities:: Interest them in other activities, such as games or televised sporting events. Get them wrapped up in something else instead of just drinking.

By using such strategies with your customers, you can help prevent them from becoming overly intoxicated.

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